Have You Noticed?
Gaining sobriety is one thing; gaining perspective is quite another. Throughout these almost 25 years I have noticed that successful people have good perspectives. They see things from a higher, broader, more long-lasting point of view.
How did they develop this ability? They learned it through experiencing negative consequences in life-choices. The wiser ones notice the successes or mistakes of others and emulate or avoid these.
Discovery Family Ministries started in 1992, only three months after I began to gain sobriety. I learned more than I ever wanted to know about chemical addictions. What really helped the most was studying and listening to and reading after successful people. Add to that a personal determination to experience success and the rest is history! Call it grit, drive, self-motivation or whatever. Without this ingredient, life would have remained average, poor or failing.
I noticed successful people had all the qualities listed above. I admired them. They gave me hope. They did not become a substitute for personal initiative and hard work. Sure they had some character defects too, but they faced them honestly, humbly, and went forward. Along the journey I noticed others who excused themselves in their condition by blaming others and they continued to ride the merry-go-round. Sadly, these never broke out of a repetitive life cycle. I determined to lift my eyes to those who rise from the ruins to become achievers.
Almost paradoxically, I noticed that truly successful people were not self-serving. They lived outwardly. Their gain became the opportunity to help others. Within them was a yearning to see others succeed.
This is at the heart of DFM. Our ministry mission became verbalized around 2000: Empowering Lives to Change for Good Through Proven Principles That Lead to Peace and Productivity.
We have remained true to that calling over the years and I noticed that others wanted to invest in that thrust. To handle the incoming support for our vision, we retained a lawyer and CPA to set up our 501c3 corporation.
Have you noticed that this Ministry Letter is called, Discovery Perspective? The DFM Board agreed that we should communicate a taste of the substance of what was being offered in our venues of ministry. The Biblical principles we teach are applicable to everyone. Also, those who invest in this ministry get the benefit of knowing their investment is providing something Beyond Recovery…a healthy perspective on doing life successfully!
Below are a few examples of the people you reach by supporting DFM. We are always thankful to the following ministries for allowing us to partner with them: Mrs. Doris Littleton, founder and director of the Home of Grace for Women; Pastor Chris Patrick, Executive Director of The Wings of Life and Ms. Kristy Wells, Director of The Shoulder, Brad McClain, Pastor of Graceport Church and the Vestry of Christ Anglican Church.
Thank you for continuing to pray for us and invest through us as we continue to fulfill the mission.
Recent teaching…
Gehazi Gains Perspective!
2 Kings 6:15-17
Elisha, the prophet of God, had a disciple named Gehazi. His name means, “valley of vision.” That seems odd. Naturally speaking, it is from the mountaintop that we gain the highest perspective. Yet, spiritually speaking, it is at the lowest points of life that revelation often comes.
Gehazi could have been the emerging prophet after Elisha, like Elisha was to Elijah, but his grievous greed led to the disease of leprosy. God was nonetheless merciful to Gehazi giving him supernatural perspective.
Ironically, the Syrians turned on Elisha after he worked a miracle for Naaman. Now as he slept in a place called Dothan, the enemy besieged the city. Gehazi awakened in a panic attack because he saw the enemy everywhere! He cried out, “What shall we do?”
Calmly, Elisha said, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Essentially, he was saying, God’s truth, righteousness and justice will prevail! I have noticed that those who share God’s view remain confident and serene even in the face of crisis.
Elisha further prayed for Gehazi saying, “Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” When the Lord opened Gehazi’s eyes, he saw the mountain was filled with heavenly horses and chariots of fire.
What has besieged you? Have you gained God’s perspective?